Living Frugal
Buying Makeup

Why are you buying makeup?

Is it to look pretty for a date or to look better or more professional at work? Personally, I wear it because I look downright scary without it. Yes, I'm living frugal but I choose to spare the general public of my natural self.

A few tips you want to consider when buying makeup:

Compare Prices

Look for discount cosmetics when you're shopping.

Try it before you make a purchase.

Don't pick out a shade because it looks like what you wear, know exactly the shade you wear before buying makeup. Makeup is too expensive to be buying the wrong shade.

Buy the best Quality Makeup Brushes

If you have a good product, you can ruin it with a bad brush. 20 dollars worth of eye shadow can look like 50 cents applied with a Q-tip. If you spend the money on brushes, you would be able to get away with buying cheap cosmetics.



To extend the life of your makeup brushes, wash them in soapy water every three to four months. Rinse the brushes, being sure to squeeze out the water and let them air dry on a towel.

Expiration Dates

Makeup products have different expiration dates. For instance, you should only keep eye makeup for three months. Dry makeup such as powder or blush lasts for two years. If you buy makeup, make sure you can use it prior to the expiration date.

Use It Sparingly

If you need to wear makeup to a special event and don't want to look like you applied your makeup as normal day to day, try going to a beauty school and have one the students do your makeup. You receive a free or inexpensive makeover and the student gets some practice.

Don't overdo it when you apply your makeup. There's nothing attractive about looking like you'll shatter if you fall down. Save money and be frugal with your makeup, less is more. Don't wear it unless you're going out. If you're home all day or working in the garden, save the makeup for later and you save money.

Afterglow Cosmetics, Inc
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