Living Frugal
How to save money when you're barely scraping by......
You just can't seem to save money. Every time you get ahead, here comes some sort of unexpected expense. It's just too hard, I'm tired of this.
I know where you are. I know you are discouraged and the words "living frugal" make you sick at your stomach. You're so tired of trying, nothing goes right. How much more frugality can you take. You live as slim as possible and you still can barely make it. You want to save but how? You need creative ways to save money.
Lots of people are in the same boat, that's why I created this site. To help people like you find different ways to save money - even when you feel like you're flat broke - You're not. As long as their is breath in your body and you are able to work, you are not broke. Yes, maybe there are some financial issues but those can be fixed. You have to be ready to make the sacrifice.
It took you a long time to get into this situation and rest assured, it will take time and patience to turn the situation around but it's well worth the effort. You want this, I know you do. Don't say you can't save money because you can. You want the peace of mind that comes with frugal living and making the most of what you have.
Where do you start?
- Make a budget and stick to it.
While you feel like you aren't making any progress, sticking to your household budget will ensure you aren't slipping further and further backwards.
- Attitude WILL make you or break you.
You are not stuck unless that is the way you choose.
Realize that when you are at your lowest, the only way is up. Even if you feel like the situation is not improving, improve yourself. Learn, grow and improve yourself.
- Be grateful and count your blessings rather than all the difficult things you are facing right now. Know, it will get better. Be determined that by the grace of God you are going to make the most of your situation and find new ways of generating income.
- Set very small goals in the beginning.
No matter what the situation is, you can set goals even if they are very small. Maybe you can't save $50 a month but you might be able to save $2 a week? It seems pretty miniscule doesn't it? You will be surprised how it will grow. This can be set aside for your emergency fund should you need it.
Your financial situation will not change overnight and it will take some time and effort to see it change. Just remember, you want this and remind yourself that you can do it - one step at a time.
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