Living Frugal
Growing Cucumbers

Growing cucumbers can be very rewarding in your home vegetable garden. Not only are they delicious but they are grown with ease.

Cucumbers are in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. There are three varieties - pickling, burpless and slicing.

Cucumbers typically require lots of growing space because they are vines. However, you can plant them in a small garden by training the vines onto a trellis or any other supportive vertical structure such as a fence.

The ideal temperature for growing cucumbers is around 75 degrees F. Cucumbers do not tolerate a frost at all so be sure not to plant too early.

If you choose to start your cucumber plants indoors, start the seeds approximately 2 weeks before the last frost in your area. It's best to use peat pots as they are easy to transplant when the time comes. Using peat pots is especially critical as with most other vine plants, cucumbers can't be transplanted as bare root plants.

Plant your seedlings 4 to 5 feet apart with rows 5 to 6 feet apart to allow ample space for the growing vines. If you are choosing to use a trellis, now is the time to put it in place so you are ready when the vines are ready to be trained.

While your cucumber plants are in the growth stage, they require moist garden soil. Proper soil moisture becomes even more critical when the fruit starts maturing.

Harvesting your cucumbers will generally be 60-70 days from planting. Do not allow them to turn yellow as they turn bitter. Be careful not to step on the vines when harvesting. Do not harvest or handle the plants when they are wet as you could damage the plant and fruit.

Types of Slicing Cucumbers:

  • Dasher
  • Conquistador
  • Slicemaster
  • Comet
  • Burpee Hybrid
  • Spring

The thick skin and size makes them easy for slicing for your salad.

Types of Pickling Cucumbers:

  • Royal
  • Pioneer
  • Bounty
  • Regal
  • Duke
  • Calypso
  • Blitz

Pickling cucumbers can be eaten. However, with the thinner skins and size they tend to not stay fresh and can ferment easier.

May God Bless Your Growing Cucumbers in the Home Vegetable Garden!!

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