More homemade cleaning products to help you to live frugally and save money.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing Alcohol provides the base for an evaporating cleaner such as a glass cleaner. It cuts grease and dirt, disinfects and puts a mean shine on chrome and glass. Another inexpensive item to to add to your toolkit for living frugal.
Use as a Glass Cleaner
1 cup rubbing alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon white vinegar
Mix solution in a spray bottle and use as needed to clean glass, cut grease and grime or disinfect.
Clean Granite countertops and appliances
Fill a spray bottle about 1/8th full of rubbing alcohol, add a drop of dishwashing soap, 2 drops of scented oil (optional). Fill the bottle with water and shake well.
All purpose cleaner
2 cups rubbing alcohol
1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid
1 tablespoon ammonia
2 quarts water
Combine in a spray bottle and shake well.
Ammonia is a strong alkaline solution that creates a stronger cleaning recipes than by using acidic vinegar. It cuts grease and grime and disinfects. It is a very inexpensive cleaning agent, but can be toxic, so use with care. I always wear a mask when using ammonia products.
(Never, ever mix ammonia with a chlorine solution such as Clorox, it creates an extremely toxic gas and can be deadly).
Glass Cleaner
1 cup rubbing alcohol
1 cup water
1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia
Mix in spray bottle
Strong All Purpose Cleaner
1 tablespoon clear, non-sudsing ammonia
1 tablespoon laundry detergent (clear)
2 cups water
Oven cleaner
Fill a glass bowl with 1/2 ammonia, place in oven and close. Let it stand overnight and wipe the loosened dirt with paper towels. Depending upon the dirt, you may need to rub the surfaces with a suitable abrasive such as fine steel wool, then wash with soapy water and rinse.