Living Frugal Tips

Living Frugal Tips will show you how to take baby steps to start reducing that mountain of debt you have been living under and find creative ways to save money.

In this economy, things are tough. No matter where we turn we see that gas and groceries are skyrocketing. To survive, we have to start looking for different ways to save money and find as many living frugal tips as possible.

Anyone can turn their finances around, the hardest part is taking that first step. Then it becomes easier and easier.

I have listed some of my strategies to save money while living frugal. We want to stretch our hard earned money as far as possible.

Each of these living frugal tips are simple tactics to improving your financial situation. Anyone can do this and it's well worth the effort. If you use all of these money saving tips combined, you can save a lot of money and it will make a positive impact on your finances.

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  1. First and foremost, you need to decide you want to save money. You want to live a better life free from debt. You want less stress from having less required bills to pay. You want to save money, so now is the time to go after the money that's just lieing around. All Living Frugal tips will follow number 1, you have to want to save money.
  2. Don't spend money on entertainment
    There are many ways to entertain yourself and your kids for free. Go to the park. Check your local paper for free events for the weekend. No matter what city you live in, there are free events every weekend. Freebies are a nice perk and it makes living frugal a bit easier if you are just getting started.
  3. Switch your bank accounts to a bank with no fees. Do you give the bank your hard earned money and then they want a fee to use your money? I don't think so. The bank should be paying you interest on your money, not you paying the bank. Tell the bank with the fees "bye" and start living frugal.
  4. Go through your "collections"
    Do you have a collection of something that's just out of habit. "I collect snowglobes". Could you trim this collection down? Maybe selling your collection? Is the collection really necessary? Could you make some money from selling your collection?
  5. Install a programmable thermostat
    They regulate the tempature in your home based on the schedule and tempature you set. When you aren't home, it turns the heat or air conditioner off, saving money on electricity. This can cut the cost of your energy bills by 10% at least.
  6. Change your furnace filter
    This increases the life of your furnace and also allows the furnace to run with less "stress" on it, reducing your energy bill.
  7. Destress for less
    Don't pay money to destress - that just makes more stress. Take a walk in the park, read a book or just sit alone and have some quiet time. You'll end up feeling much better and have saved some money.
  8. Cancel unused memberships
    If you have a membership you don't use, cancel it. You may thin you'll use it later but if you do, you can renew the membership later. Ther's no point in paying for something you don't and may never use.
  9. Eat at home
    Even if you are single, it's much cheaper to prepare a meal at home than it is to dine out. Not to mention it's much healthier.
  10. Check your tires
    For every 2 PSI under the recommended level, you lose approximately 1% on your gas mileage.
  11. Drive the speed limit. Tickets are expensive, your auto insurance will go up 10% and you will get better gas mileage by driving the speed limit. I wish I had found some living frugal tips before my last speeding ticket. It was not cheap.
  12. Take public transportation
    If the city you live in has a public transportation system, take it versus driving your car. It's cheaper and you don't have to park a vehicle which can sometimes incur even more costs.
  13. Always ask for fees to be waived or reduced
  14. Always ask for a refund should your internet be down for a day.
  15. Pay attention to your receipts at the store, most times they offer free sweepstakes entries just for filling out a survey. And you say "oh, I never win" but guess what, you won't win if you never enter.

Check back often for more Living Frugal Tips.

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